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The Team

At the beginning of 2011, Milton Berlinski, Rene Kan and Justus Martens decided to combine their considerable local and global experience in the field of private equity, investing, building and running companies, financial analysis and financing, to establish themselves in Curacao and to set up and manage a local investment fund. They created the most appropriate vehicle to generate local economic value and growth from within the local business community; a private equity fund funded by and invested in local companies and institutions. Through the Curacao Growth Fund, they intend to continue their successful strategy of making investments in partnership with management in businesses that could recover, improve or grow businesses that have a clear potential and function within the local or regional economy.


Milton Berlinski | Managing Director | New York/Aruba | 68

Until the end of 2011, Milton Berlinski (Aruban) was a Senior Partner and Vice Chairman at Goldman Sachs (“GS”) in New York; a leading global investment banking, securities and investment management firm, with a market capitalization of USD 84 billion and in excess of USD 850 billion in assets under management. After joining the firm in 1986, Milton became partner in 1996. Milton’s assignments at GS have included leading partner in their Global Financial Institutions advisory business responsible for global relationships with the largest banks, asset managers, finance and insurance companies as well as sovereign relationships. He also ran the GS Corporate Development and Strategy Group, focused on building the GS global strategy which included organic growth strategies as well as acquisitions. As head of strategy he was responsible for all of GS’s largest acquisitions since going public in 1998, including the USD 7 billion acquisition of the leading market making and electronic trading platform Spear, Leeds and Kellogg. Most recently, Milton was the Global Head Financial Sponsors, responsible for the firm’s most important private equity and hedge fund clients. In this capacity, Milton has helped GS during the last four years to co-invest over USD 18 billion of its partners’ capital in private equity, alongside his clients (private equity funds).

He earned an MBA from the Wharton School of Finance in 1980.


Rene Kan | Managing Director | Aruba | 61

Rene Kan (Aruban) started his career as a commodity banker in 1989 at MeesPierson in Amsterdam; one of the oldest merchant banks in the world. There he was active in advising and financing traders and processors of commodities around the world. In 1993, he left with a team for a competitor, ING Bank, to continue the same activities from Amsterdam, and later from New York and Curaçao. In 1996, he became an entrepreneur and established the Global Foods Group in Curacao ( Global Foods developed into a large global trader, processor and distributor of sugar and other agricultural commodities, with factories on three continents, offices in seven countries and more than 450 employees. As from 2005, the group diversified into the production of sugar, ethanol and bio-electricity from sugar cane, and founded the CNAA group in Brazil (total investment: USD 1 billion). Today, this company has more than 60,000 ha’s (three times the size of Aruba) of sugar cane plantations and over 3,000 employees.

Since the majority of the equity for CNAA was provided by a number of very reputable private equity companies (including Goldman Sachs), the group has been actively involved with private equity funds and structures in this transaction. As entrepreneurs and investors, the partners of Global Foods have been involved with private equity investments for over 15 years. Rene not only has extensive experience as an investor and working with investors; he also has been a hands-on operational manager of small and large companies, dealing with a full range of corporate issues (i.e. business development, recruitment, management, logistics, contracting, administration, financial management, financing, marketing, sales, cooperation).

Rene earned his BBA from Boston University and his MBA from Nijenrode University (1989). He has served on the Board of Directors of CNAA in Brazil, is the Chairman of the Board of the Algemene Ziektekosten Verzekering (“AZV”), Chairman of the Board of the Stichting Monumentenfonds, and still serves as Chairman of the Board of the Ike Cohen Charity Foundation, all in Aruba.


Justus Martens | Managing Director | Curacao/Aruba | 58

Justus Martens started his career as a commodity banker in 1989 at MeesPierson in Amsterdam; one of the oldest merchant banks in the world. There he was active in advising and financing traders and processors of commodities around the world. In 1993, he left with a team for a competitor, ING Bank, to continue the same activities from Amsterdam, and later from New York and Curaçao. In 1996, he became an entrepreneur and established the Global Foods Group in Curacao ( Global Foods developed into a large global trader, processor and distributor of sugar and other agricultural commodities, with factories on three continents, offices in seven countries and more than 450 employees. As from 2005, the group diversified into the production of sugar, ethanol and bio-electricity from sugar cane, and founded the CNAA group in Brazil (total investment: USD 1 billion). Today, this company has more than 60,000 ha’s of sugar cane plantations and over 3,000 employees.

Since the majority of the equity for CNAA was provided by a number of very reputable private equity companies (including Goldman Sachs), the group has been actively involved with private equity funds and structures in this transaction. As entrepreneurs and investors, the partners of Global Foods have been involved with private equity investments for over 15 years. Justus not only has extensive experience as an investor and working with investors; he also has been a hands-on operational manager of small and large companies, dealing with a full range of corporate issues (i.e. business development, recruitment, management, contracting, administration, financial management, financing, marketing, sales, cooperation, legal, tax planning, reporting, regulation analysis).

Justus earned his BBA from Nijenrode University and holds MBA’s from University of Florida (Finance, 1988) and Nijenrode University (International Business, cum laude, 1989). He has served on the Board of CNAA, Biox International and Awash Foods.